Check the Hydraulic Hose and control
cable connectors match with that of the Rod
Attach the Hydraulic Hose from the
Hydraulic Power Pack to the machine properly
so that there can be no leaking of hydraulic
Connect the control cable from the
Hydraulic Power Pack solenoid valve to the
Rod Cutter.
Connect the power cable of the
Hydraulic Power Pack to a suitable wall
mounted power outlet and switch on the power
pack, do not press on the Foot Switch or
Hand Switch fitted in the Rod Cutter right
Let the Hydraulic Power Pack idle (oil
flowing from pump to tank) for a couple of
Now place the rod to be cut between the
Moving and Fixed Blade Pushing the rod so
that it touches the side wall of the housing.
This is to ensure that the full
diameter of the job is within the width of
the Blades
Hold the job with a gloved hand and see
that nobody is standing on the other side.
Press the switch
Wait for the moving blade to retract
fully before advancing the rod between the
blades for the next cut.
. Switch off the Hydraulic Power
Pack and disconnect the Hydraulic Power Pack
from the wall out-let after you finish.
Keep all the bolts tight and joints oiled at all times.
Whenever the hydraulic fluid is changed, also
change the filter and clean the tank before
filling up.
Never drop the machine which may cause serious damage to it.
As for any high power cutting machine, the
following safety precautions should be strictly
Observed during use of this machine:
Wear your safety shoes, gloves and safety
glasses at all times. Remove oil or grease
from your hand, tools and from the floor and
area you will be working.
Use proper cutting tool as per type,
size and hardness of metal to be cut.
While the machine is not in use, keep the
Hydraulic Power Pack switched off, so that
accidental pressing of Switch cannot cause
any injury in case one keeps fingers between
the blades by mistake.
See that nobody is standing on the other
end of the rod, because depending on the
tensile strength of the material and flow
rate of the power pack, the parted portion
of the rod may shoot out at high speed
causing injury.
Check that the balancer and hanging
arrangement is strong enough to hold the
combined weight of the cutter and the job.
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